Saturday, March 03, 2012

Winter at last! Well, at least a day of winter.

 Finally some snow to cover up the dead frozen colorless front lawn. We went sledding for the first time today at Lions park. There was a very long sled run there and Edmund and I went so fast he was speechless. Then he decided he wanted to do it again and again and again! 

Here the kids are building a dinosaur.
 This cat is so funny. It is the neighbors cat and he loves to play in the snow. He is still a tom kitten.
The Blue and Gold banquet was this week. Here is a happy cub scout with his little cub bug buddy. We had so much fun making marble runs out of recycled material. It was a successful night with the best committee ever! They come up with the best ideas!
 We have been rehearsing for the Music Man so much that we dream the songs and sing them all week. This scene is the library scene dance. Susan is over on the right (stage left) wearing a blue skirt. This is one of my favorite scenes. They all dance around with books while Harold Hill and Marian the Librarian are falling in love.

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