Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Hyde Park has a skate night each December at the ice ring to collect canned goods for the local food pantry. My children look forward to it each year! They are all pretty good skaters for their age. Jill uses a skaters walker but she can get along pretty good. Here they all are being silly and making a train.
Peter was off with his friends and he can skate backwards and forwards. I think it was all the rollerblading he did in the driveway instead of homeschooling last year.

Mike came too and held the sleepy baby then he woke up very grumpy. Lucy fell and slid on her nose and lips. A nice neighbor picked her up and took her to the nurses room for them to clean off all the blood, there was a lot of blood. She sat out with an  ice pack the rest of the time because her nose was red and sore.

Finally Edmund was happy enough to go out in the stroller for a fun slide around the rink.
Go Go Jill!
Yes even I skated! Someday I hope to play Women's Hockey all winter long! It would be a great workout.

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