When you see the G on the side of the mountain it means we are almost at grandma Carol's home!
We went to visit and had so much fun we didn't want to come home and start school.
It is always fun to put around in Grandpa's huge garden. He always has such curious things growing. His grape arbor is amazing! This year he had some interesting gourds growing on accident.
We decided to make pickles. There were plenty of cucumbers for pickling.
One whole cucumber almost fit in each bottle. We are trying them this way just to see if they are crunchier. If we speared them or sliced them they would probably be mushy. This is a great recipe that we didn't even have to water bath the bottles.
Grandma gave Edmund a sword. It went everywhere with him and he even slept with it.
He was so busy getting into things around the house and outside. The best part was spotting a cat as it came walking by. Everyone would jump up and go pet the cat. Sometimes it was the neighbor's huge cat and sometimes it was grandpas cat.
Most of the time the kids all sat around and watched tv with grandma or a video. This was a summer treat because we don't have tv and we rarely sit around this long.
When there was too much energy to spare we went to a park in Lindon. The kids rolled down a hill and played on the swings. It was too hot to last there very long.
On Saturday grandma and grandpa had a mission reunion put on by the Ashtons. They have a very big place decked out for their family to come together for family reunions. They have a lot of kids and grandkids so it had to be fun enough and big enough for all of them. It is just up Provo Canyon.
Here is the little zipline. It was fun for the kids to do again and again.
This is the super big slide Pres. Ashton made with four HuGE pieces of thick plastic and a hose. The kids loved sliding down.
Grandpa brought a few canoes so we could all go canoeing on the pond. There is also paddle boats and dock out in the middle. Grandpa actually fell in the pond when he was trying to do a fancy boarding of one of the large canoes. But don't tell anyone because he hasn't fallen in for probably over 50 years so it was very silly and surprising. We can giggle about it now because it was a great splash.
In the back you can see the huge barn where lunch was held. It is huge! It has a kitchen a basketball half court that you can have dances on or set up chairs and tables for eating. It has a play place for the kids and loft and bathrooms. Also a comfortable nook with couches for visiting.
THE BIG ZIPLINE! Right over the pond!
Peter was up there with his Uncle Darron and his sister Susan most of the time. They did it again and again and dropped into the water with a big splash!
Double girl zipping.
A playground for the not so zippy sized kids.
Edmund loved this slide!
Lots of swimming...back to shore after zipping.
YES there is a tennis court!!
On the way home after visiting for four days at grandmas, shopping for school clothes and playing to our hearts content we stopped in at the Dinosaur museum!!
Thanksgiving Point was having an Aug. two dollar Teus. IT WAS CROWDED!
Edmund was excited to see Dinosaurs. He was going to fight them off with his sword. He was so amazed by the bones and said "Big A-ng" which means big dinosaurs. We kept telling him it was a baby dinosaur. So when he finally walked into the larger room with the HUGE dinosaur we was just stunned at how big it was. The look on his face was just classic.
This was a "BIG A-NG"!
We met up with some cousins. Here the little girls are building a dinosaur.
Here is the whole group!
If we had all day the kids would have loved to just play in the sand and build rivers and islands.
Digging for fossils, this part was too crowded so we left after we uncovered most of the bones. We also met up with the Goodwins! It was sure fun to see how big their kids are now.
Afterwards we ended up at IKEA on the way home to eat hotdogs and cinnamon rolls. It was funny because without telling the cousins we were going to stop there they ended up there too.
The next day school started and we made it home just in time to head off to Back to School night.
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