Monday, September 03, 2012


It is harvest time! The garden is starting to wither away and the string beans are ready for blanching and packing in the fridge. I bottled a batch earlier and now I need some in the freezer.

 My vacuum packer.

 Next up is the corn harvest!!

The peas are almost gone.
 Cantaloupe isn't quite ready yet.
Pumpkins are getting big for Halloween. The grasshoppers keep nibbling their sides.

Casper pumpkins are white like a ghost. We wanted to mix it up a bit with something new in the garden.

 Finally the squash plants are almost dead! I can't take anymore squash!!!!!

 Corn harvest for labor day weekend.
 Husking on the trampoline is a tradition. This way you can clean up the mess easy and flick the bugs off.
 Corn ready for freezer!
 The kids were very excited to find lots of ripe watermelon and cantaloupe in the garden one day after grandpa Ron came to visit. One cantaloupe had a very suspicious red supermarket sticker on its side! You never know what is going to happen during a blue moon week out in the garden!

1 comment:

Scorchi said...

You are so productive! We just go to the store. It all looks delicious!