Friday, March 05, 2010

Bountiful Baskets

I have been meaning to share this for a while. There is this crazy food co-op in Utah called Bountiful Baskets. I think it is produce from Arizona or something. It only makes sense to buy fruits and veggies with BB instead of at the grocery store if you have a drop off really close to your home otherwise it is a waste of gas. Luckily mine is just down the road about three miles without any stoplights.

Every 2 weeks (some drops are weekly) we make a mad dash to register for a basket online. The area I am in it fills up in less then 20 min. so I usually miss it. BUT luckily my visit and teacher sits at her computer and as soon as it is open to register for our area she buys a basket for herself and one for me!

Here is what we got the first time around:

We Loved the strawberries! And the huge Pomelo's were pretty good! They are a Thailand citrus fruit.

This is what we got the second time:

My kids were excited about the asparagus. We had Salmon and the asparagus spears with potatoes and fresh lemon squeezed on eat bit.

I liked the food co-op we did in Berkeley when we lived there. It always had weird veggies to add to a stir fry. And with this Bountiful Baskets co-op I also had some weird things to make a stir fry with. My kids of course make a lot of noise about this but most of it gets eaten. This time we had Swiss Chard. I would have never bought this from a store but since it came in the box, it went in the stir fry!

Yes we did use chop sticks and this makes a stir fry tons of fun. I spend half the clean up time picking up the rice on the floor but that is okay.


Anonymous said...

It's beautiful. Don't you just love fresh veggies? Especially if the kids will eat them.

kim said...

I miss my co-op from San Diego. We did the same thing with all the new veggies and I really liked that it made me stretch a little. Also that it was all organic for the price of regular stuff.

HOLLY GERD said...

If you have problems meeting the deadline you should try they do weekly drop offs and the sites don't fill up. plus they give part of the Bee Box sales back to the host site to donate to their orginization. The schools have been doing it as a sort of a fundraiser type thing and have been making quite a bit of money. The pickup times and day are set by the site host, so that you can grab your box when you pickup your kids from school or sports. there is also alot of people doing it for their after school program funding. the produce is 100% guarenteed so if yours gets bruised in transit they will replace it. they also have bread and a really good salsa pack. i think they do organic as well but i'm not sure.

The Bec-ster said...

Thanks for the tip Holly. BUT Bountiful Baskets is working for us because of the convenience here close to home. The greenbeeproduce doesn't even have a drop off in Logan. But Bountiful baskets has 5 within 15 min. of our house. The one we use is less then 5 minutes away.
I have used quite a few different co-ops for produce through the years and this one meets our needs right now. Soon we will get the huge garden in and forget the co-op I will be too busy watering and weeding! Nothing beats your own home grown stuff!