Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fall - Winter

 This week we had our first Snow!!! Yes it is still October and yes we are still happy to see snow!  Little Edmund got on his gloves and found his shoes and just wanted to play in it all day...but it melted by the afternoon time. It was 28 degrees at the beginning of the week. Brrrrr....

 Then it hit 50 degrees on Saturday. This is the backyard this weekend...lot of leaves to rake! Can you believe it only took 45 min. for this project to be done. It just takes a little motivation and they can do things quickly.

Susan wanted to play with a friend and then go to a Birthday Party so she worked really hard moving leaves to the garden.

 Peter wanted to do homework and play on the computer so he raked the leaves fast!

 Jill wanted to play all day so she helped with the leaves also.
 We also went to the North Logan Pumpkin Walk  last week!  This is a fun place to see lots of different pumpkin scenes made out of PUMPKINS. The kids favorite thing at the end is these funny boards with a spot for your face.
 My princesses.


It is always fun in the Fall, or I mean winter. 

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