Friday, December 05, 2008

35 books, falling short this year!

sheez...we moved to Utah and I stopped reading! Yikes! My goal this year was to read 50 books and I am only at 35...I need 15 more and that is almost a book a day! I don't even have a library card because I don't pay utility bills! They won't give me one if i don't have a utility bill at the address we are staying! I did borrow one from my sister for half the summer but I usually just got books for the kids...
Okay lets see if I can still reach the goal...I did finish 3 books this week and started 2 others...uhh that isn't a book a day! Maybe I will spend all day tomorrow at a bookstore and find only short children's that is defeating the point of the goal. I could stop blogging so much and watch less tv and then I would have more time to read!
Uh, maybe I forgot a few books and haven't recorded them on the list...I better check with the kids and see if I missed any...panic!


bug girl said...

I just have 10 more books to go. I feel the inevitable coming on. Although...I have a plan in mind. I will accomplish this goal if it's the last thing I ever do...I hope it's not the last thing I ever do, I would rather accomplish a few other goals than this one if life is that short.

Becca G said...

"Goals are stars to steer by not sticks to beat yourself with"
-Barbara B. Smith Fmr RS Gen Pres

Hey Becky that is a huge accomplishemnt with a move and a pregnancy and 4 kids --35 books AWESOME!!!!