Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Gap Creek The Story of a Marriage by Robert Morgan

I just realized it was written by a guy...the whole time I was reading it I thought the author was a woman. Anyway, this was a yucky book. Don't read it.
Broken and Healing...
It is about a woman living in Gap Creek. Her name is Julie Harmon. She works hard. She has to be a strong person to live where she does and her life sucks. She got married young to escape her family. She works hard and tries to do what is right but that isn't always obvious and her husband is stressed out and they are really poor. Anyway, in a way the book was good but in other ways it was really weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes. I have to read this book for college. I am two chapters in and already Julie's brother and father have died slow, painful deaths. I would never read this book on my own. I'm doing it to pass the class.