Saturday, July 02, 2011

Saving Cee Cee Honeycut by Beth Hoffman

I think this book was alright. I kept thinking of THE HELP and Steal Magnolias because it was in a southern part of the USA but the writing and story line were nothing compared to those.
There is a little girl and she has a mom that is mentally imbalanced. Her dad is never there for her and she finally gets to go live with her aunt Toootie. They hit it off and she is able to slowly heal from the tragedies of her childhood. The book takes you into a world run by rich women of the South and brave women of colored skin. They all do their own thing and are confident. I love the feud between two of the neighbors and how they finally work it out while cussing to each other at a party. This book is full of surprises and twists. Did you ever take a bath in an outside garden bathtub? One neighbor does all the time. It is funny and I think a pretty good book.

Healing Book

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